Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Oh come on, you know what I'm talking about-that sinking feeling we all get in our chests when we just know something isn't right. Like....when that babysitter is about to open the closet door because she thinks she heard a scream on the other side, or( more up my alley) when the speck that holds Whoville gets dropped into a sea of identical ones in Horton Hears a Who. NOOOOOOOOOO! 

Ker-Plunk goes the heart.

We may be small, but we aren't stupid. We know when things aren't right, and often times it's our hearts that tell us-they feel heavy and unsettled by the way things are going. When that ker-plunk of our hearts seem to be echoing in our ears, when it is so easy to dwell on the unsettled feeling inside, when we just want to "fix" everything, there is only one thing to change-and that is the state of our hearts.

Don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Stop thinking about how you have fallen, or how hard it will be to resist temptation from now on...live in the present. Do what you can to discern and obediently follow God's Will today, and allow tomorrow to take you on a joy ride. You can't fix what may be wrong, but He can; give it up and free your heart. Laugh, sing, dance, allow yourself to be full of joy! It's not in worrying or preparing that we glorify God...it's in living!

Lightheartedness is key. This world is dark and heavy, but the love of God is beautifully light. Let that love fill your heart, lifting you up. Let nothing disturb you to the point of that ker-plunk; allow Christ to relieve that sinking feeling and take you into His arms.

With heavy hearts, how can we expect to soar to Heaven?