Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall Into Christ

It's FALL!!!!

In case you can't tell....that single statement makes me extremely extremely EXTREMELY happy. it :) Along with the leaves falling, the temperature falling, and the length of days falling, I've been thinking an awful lot about falling in a different way.

You know trust falls-those wonderfully annoying exercises that seem to be in every type of team "bonding," so that you can trust each other when things get tough? I reaaaaally don't like them, regardless of who is standing behind me ready to catch me. I never have, and I probably never will. But you know what? Life's a trust fall.

I've often heard spiritual life (and life in general) compared to climbing up a mountain or something of the sort. While that can be true, I see it a little differently. Life doesn't have to be an uphill climb-it can also be a downhill fall.....a terrifying, stomach whirling, beautifully glorious fall. A falling into the arms of a God who will ALWAYS be there to catch us. Whether we trip over a stumbling block and crash down to the ground or just close our eyes and brave the 8 inch drop, falling can be scary when we can't see where we're going. Fall anyway and trust that he will be there to catch you, bringing you closer to his heart that's on fire for you.

Close your eyes, and imagine something you need to fall away from. Fall away from temptation, fall away from fear, fall away from the noise of this world. Fall into the arms of Christ, and fall ever closer to his unfailing love.

As the leaves begin to change this autumn, may God's grace change your hearts and give you the grace to brave the fall.

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