Monday, July 8, 2013

Love Is Not Just Giving

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

Whew, that Mother Teresa really knows what she's talking about. Amidst my various struggles and battles these past few weeks, I seem to have forgotten about others. I've taken to sulking and resorted to a ridiculously high level of selfishness...sometimes without even realizing it. I have shut out the friends who know me well enough to know something is wrong, I've been rude and unhelpful towards my family, and pretty successfully cut off all forms of communication with God. Some people have the tendency to build walls around themselves; I make mine miles long and made of steel.

I seem to have forgotten that serving isn't just loving others; it is also allowing others to love us in return.

For many people like me (productive, independent, task-oriented), that is something that can be hard to swallow. Allowing a part of ourselves to be given away in our service can be the toughest part-but also the most rewarding. Loving is a gift of self, not just the gift of a completed task. Unloading the dishwasher, turning down the music and investing in others on a car ride, calling to check on a friend you haven't seen in a while, or simply answering the question "how are you" honestly.....all are a way of giving. All are a way of allowing others to encourage, support, and lead us closer to heaven. Isn't that why we were given each other? We can't handle this world on our own, nor were we made to. We need each other. It is not only in loving, but also in being loved that we glorify God to the best of our abilities.

May we never stop giving, never stop loving, never stop allowing Christ's peace into this unsettled world.

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