Oh, the joys of babysitting! I have been blessed this summer with being able to spend time with two of the most adorable girls I could ever imagine. Katie, who is eleven, likes to make up metaphors to go with random things (this is probably why we get along so well). So today, as we were debating whether we wanted to make our ramen noodles by microwave or stovetop, this is what she threw at me:
"It's kind of like ice skating. You can use the tight skates that are really easy to skate in but hurt your feet, or you can use the softer skates that are hard to skate in but feel REALLY good on your feet."
Wow....thanks God.
Ice skating....living out our faith....close enough, right? I mean, think about it. There are two choices of ice skates, and there are really two choices for how we live our lives: We can choose to follow the ways of the world, or we can choose to follow the ways of our faith and the wonderful plan God has in store for us.
Following the ways of the world is very easy....and very tempting. There are a million different objects and a million different ideas pulling us in a million different directions. This world trains us to think only of ourselves and no one else. We are continually bombarded with advertisements and peer encouragement to make us happy, to make us feel good about ourselves, and to satisfy us. It is easy to fall into the habits of immodesty, lies, and seemingly immortality that the world offers. The ways of the world seem like a tight fit and are much easier to skate through this life in. But they HURT. Maybe not immediately-but they leave terrible scars....loneliness, desperation, longing for joy, longing for peace, longing for hope. The ways of this world are easy to skate in, but leave our souls longing for more.
To step out and follow the plan that's been created for us is SCARY. I will be the first one to admit that. The idea of putting on the more difficult ice skates scares the living heck out of me-and I know for a fact I'm not the only one. God's plan for us involves much worldly suffering, and a few faceplants in the ice rink. It's not easy to say no to what others are doing, to keep up a holy lifestyle when surrounded with nonbelievers, or sometimes, even to keep up hope. Following our faith will result in getting made fun of, put down, being fearful, and sometimes feeling alone in this world. But you know what? At the end of this life, the skate of faith feels REALLY good on our souls. If we stick with it through the worldly blisters and pain, we will discover things we could only find on these skates.......peace, joy, humility, love, and so many more.
My friends, we have a choice. Not once, but daily. Each morning when you get up, think about one thing for me:
"What skates will you wear today?"
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
The View of a Lifetime
Everyone sees them differently, depending on from where they are looking up. Each one is a different shape, a different size, and a different strength. One star alone is beautiful, but together they make an inspiring sight to see. One star guides in the right direction, slowly leading the eye to a breathe-taking masterpiece.
In that same way, we slowly lead one another out of darkness into a clear view of not only light....but beauty. Silently, boldly, fearlessly. We show the world what we already know: That this world is NOT just about us. There are people out there who need stars....need light....need beauty....need YOU.
Be that star guiding others towards the view of a lifetime.
Everyone sees them differently, depending on from where they are looking up. Each one is a different shape, a different size, and a different strength. One star alone is beautiful, but together they make an inspiring sight to see. One star guides in the right direction, slowly leading the eye to a breathe-taking masterpiece.
In that same way, we slowly lead one another out of darkness into a clear view of not only light....but beauty. Silently, boldly, fearlessly. We show the world what we already know: That this world is NOT just about us. There are people out there who need stars....need light....need beauty....need YOU.
Be that star guiding others towards the view of a lifetime.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Greater Than We Could Ever Imagine
We've all experienced at least one awe-inspiring moment in our lives, right? Where everything is perfect, and it's all we could ever want, plus more? FALSE......we have no idea.
God is beyond us. His plans for us are greater than we could ever imagine, more awesome than anything we will ever see with our own eyes, and more hopeful than even the cheesiest hallmark card. That's right....I went there.
There are times in our life when we're really struggling, times when we are content, times when we are hopeful, and even times when we are happy. Makes for a pretty interesting ride, doesn't it? I mean, think about your life up to this point-go back to just one year ago. Where were you? What were you doing? How were you living your life? And my personal favorite: Who was on your journey with you? Those answers are a little different, right? ;) And that's only one year.....imagine what He will do with eternity!
We can't PLAN out what we want God to do in our lives. For me, this concept can be especially hard to grasp at times. I am an overly-efficient, crazy productive person most of the time. But somehow-no matter how I prepare-God always makes changes to those grand ole plans. And as much as I hate it, I'm beginning to love it, too. Because as much as a hate seeing my original, highly efficient plans go out the window, God's always top those. Let's say I plan on going to the lake with my family on Saturday; God somehow makes sure that I get to stay home and go on Sunday instead, allowing me to attend mass and recieve Him. I plan to work the March TEC retreat; God makes sure that I'm selected for the June weekend, with some people that I needed to have put in my lives. I plan to go to Totus Tuus at my parish; God plans for me to be out of town at an FFA event. We'll see how this one plays out ;) Seeing a theme here?
Moral of the story:
God is beyond us. His plans for us are greater than we could ever imagine, more awesome than anything we will ever see with our own eyes, and more hopeful than even the cheesiest hallmark card. That's right....I went there.
There are times in our life when we're really struggling, times when we are content, times when we are hopeful, and even times when we are happy. Makes for a pretty interesting ride, doesn't it? I mean, think about your life up to this point-go back to just one year ago. Where were you? What were you doing? How were you living your life? And my personal favorite: Who was on your journey with you? Those answers are a little different, right? ;) And that's only one year.....imagine what He will do with eternity!
We can't PLAN out what we want God to do in our lives. For me, this concept can be especially hard to grasp at times. I am an overly-efficient, crazy productive person most of the time. But somehow-no matter how I prepare-God always makes changes to those grand ole plans. And as much as I hate it, I'm beginning to love it, too. Because as much as a hate seeing my original, highly efficient plans go out the window, God's always top those. Let's say I plan on going to the lake with my family on Saturday; God somehow makes sure that I get to stay home and go on Sunday instead, allowing me to attend mass and recieve Him. I plan to work the March TEC retreat; God makes sure that I'm selected for the June weekend, with some people that I needed to have put in my lives. I plan to go to Totus Tuus at my parish; God plans for me to be out of town at an FFA event. We'll see how this one plays out ;) Seeing a theme here?
Moral of the story:
- Don't plan around God...you WILL lose.
- Don't think you've seen everything there is to see...your eyes are barely open.
But most importantly......never lose hope. God's plans for us are greater than we could ever imagine, more awesome than anything we will ever see with our own eyes, and more hopeful than even the cheesiest Hallmark card.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Visible Steps of Faith
"Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly,knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence." ~Pope John Paul II
Yes, I know it's easier said than done. But hey, my blogs about it so it must mean something to me, right? Well let me tell ya, this pretty much sums up my life lately.
Long story short I've been feeling amazing inside, and dancing my heart out with God. My soul is singing! It is absolutely beautiful. But I still have a ton of work to do with my faith (we just keep learning!), because I'm scared to let others see my faith. How dumb is that? I mean, I don't have the most supportive family in the world, but they would by no means be ashamed of me or put me down in any way if I lived out my faith more prominantly. And really, what's the worst that could happen? They use me as an example?-Oh no! Geez....I'm pathetic. But I'm also human...and God loves me anyway :)
It's the little things like staying kneeled down a little longer at mass, or closing my eyes when I pray that scare me the most. I mean, I want to so bad. I want to stay kneeling before the blessed sacrament, because I can feel Him there, and He deserves for me to be on my knees. I want to close my eyes and let the Spirit guide me in prayer. I want to reach over and touch that person sitting beside me who looks like they are struggling-I really do! And in my heart, I know it's what God is calling me to do. But why do I keep refusing? Because I'm scared. I'm scared to put my faith out there for others to see-because I don't want to be labeled as that "church girl," written off as different, or watched by everyone in mass from now on. I'm scared of trying to make a difference, and finding out I can't. But who isn't?
I'm learning-with the help of God and a couple of REALLY great friends to chat with-that He will provide. There is always something better around the next corner, even when we think we have all we could ever want right here in the present.
That unknown territory is faith....take the first visible step.
Yes, I know it's easier said than done. But hey, my blogs about it so it must mean something to me, right? Well let me tell ya, this pretty much sums up my life lately.
Long story short I've been feeling amazing inside, and dancing my heart out with God. My soul is singing! It is absolutely beautiful. But I still have a ton of work to do with my faith (we just keep learning!), because I'm scared to let others see my faith. How dumb is that? I mean, I don't have the most supportive family in the world, but they would by no means be ashamed of me or put me down in any way if I lived out my faith more prominantly. And really, what's the worst that could happen? They use me as an example?-Oh no! Geez....I'm pathetic. But I'm also human...and God loves me anyway :)
It's the little things like staying kneeled down a little longer at mass, or closing my eyes when I pray that scare me the most. I mean, I want to so bad. I want to stay kneeling before the blessed sacrament, because I can feel Him there, and He deserves for me to be on my knees. I want to close my eyes and let the Spirit guide me in prayer. I want to reach over and touch that person sitting beside me who looks like they are struggling-I really do! And in my heart, I know it's what God is calling me to do. But why do I keep refusing? Because I'm scared. I'm scared to put my faith out there for others to see-because I don't want to be labeled as that "church girl," written off as different, or watched by everyone in mass from now on. I'm scared of trying to make a difference, and finding out I can't. But who isn't?
I'm learning-with the help of God and a couple of REALLY great friends to chat with-that He will provide. There is always something better around the next corner, even when we think we have all we could ever want right here in the present.
That unknown territory is faith....take the first visible step.
Extraordinary Influences
"Do not let mediocrity get you down! Be extraordinary. Most importantly, help others be the
same. You officially have the influence to do so."
This is some of the best and worst advice I've ever been given, all rolled into a few sentences. I LOVE the first three sentences-especially the third one. Fourth sentence...not a fan. Let me explain: This was part of a congratulatory email from an FFA friend of mine. I had been recently elected to the position of President for our district this coming year, and she had held that same office just last year.
These words are so true. We can't let "average" bring us down if we want to be something more. And let's face it-there is a lot of average in our lives. We have to put in the "extra" in order to truly be extraordinary. But more importantly than anything else, we have to help others cross over that barrier and become better than they thought possible. We can do this by leading through example. We can give a kind word, and a sincere smile. Or-better yet-we can be a believer, an encourager, and a friend.
Now to the part of this lovely advice I'm not in such grand agreement with: "You officially have the influence to do so. " What does that even mean?! I mean, sure I have the new jacket that says South Central District on the back instead of Arkansas City. I have a shiny new President's pin to wear to FFA events, and I have a few more opportunities to put in my vote on how the organization will run nexy year. But other than that, I'm still Ellen Walker. Putting on that jacket in no way changes who I am. I've always had the influence to make others be extraordinary-just like you do.
There is always someone who needs your influence, and who needs YOUR talents and abilities. You wouldn't have been given them otherwise. I mean, think about it: The people who make the most difference in our lives aren't the ones with the highest titles. They are the ones who sincerely take our interests to heart. They laugh at our jokes, smile at us when we're down, and maybe, just maybe, know what Sonic drink to bring us when it hasn't exactly been the best week. Most of us won't ever really get to know a movie star, a professional athlete, or the President. But all of us will get to know the people who have been placed in our lives. And we can make a difference in the lives of those people. By being placed onto this Earth, we've officially been given the influence to do so.
same. You officially have the influence to do so."
This is some of the best and worst advice I've ever been given, all rolled into a few sentences. I LOVE the first three sentences-especially the third one. Fourth sentence...not a fan. Let me explain: This was part of a congratulatory email from an FFA friend of mine. I had been recently elected to the position of President for our district this coming year, and she had held that same office just last year.
These words are so true. We can't let "average" bring us down if we want to be something more. And let's face it-there is a lot of average in our lives. We have to put in the "extra" in order to truly be extraordinary. But more importantly than anything else, we have to help others cross over that barrier and become better than they thought possible. We can do this by leading through example. We can give a kind word, and a sincere smile. Or-better yet-we can be a believer, an encourager, and a friend.
Now to the part of this lovely advice I'm not in such grand agreement with: "You officially have the influence to do so. " What does that even mean?! I mean, sure I have the new jacket that says South Central District on the back instead of Arkansas City. I have a shiny new President's pin to wear to FFA events, and I have a few more opportunities to put in my vote on how the organization will run nexy year. But other than that, I'm still Ellen Walker. Putting on that jacket in no way changes who I am. I've always had the influence to make others be extraordinary-just like you do.
There is always someone who needs your influence, and who needs YOUR talents and abilities. You wouldn't have been given them otherwise. I mean, think about it: The people who make the most difference in our lives aren't the ones with the highest titles. They are the ones who sincerely take our interests to heart. They laugh at our jokes, smile at us when we're down, and maybe, just maybe, know what Sonic drink to bring us when it hasn't exactly been the best week. Most of us won't ever really get to know a movie star, a professional athlete, or the President. But all of us will get to know the people who have been placed in our lives. And we can make a difference in the lives of those people. By being placed onto this Earth, we've officially been given the influence to do so.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Smacked in the Face with a Train
Today, God gave me a train.
What?! No, I'm not crazy (well, technically, anyways ;)), and I don't mean that God gave me a train with a bow on it wrapped up on my front doorstep, or that it suddenly rained down trains in Ark City, America. What I mean is that my Creator,once again, gave me exactly what I needed, when I needed it.
It's been a crazy week! Amazing, not so hot, and everything in between. Today was especially crazy in my conversation with God department. Nothing special really happened, it was just one of those days. My family isn't the most supportive of faith-not just mine, but any kind really-and I've been getting very annoyed with little comments and the way we live our lives. They can't see what I see, and instead of striving for more, they settle for living selfishly like most of us do....but thats a whole other ramble ;) For now, back to the train:
Tonight I was feeling...empty, I guess. Because of the whole family thing, and because I haven't had the best of luck with my friends lately, I hadn't really talked to God. I did the prayers I have been doing daily as a sacrifice for the upcoming TEC retreat-but not with any kind of heart. Believe me, they were just words. I did them first thing this morning so I could get them over with too. Basically, I was trying to hide from the one who knows everything. Dumb, right? And I decided that I didn't really need to talk to Him-I could handle my spiritual life just like I'd always done-on my own. That dang human thing....:)
So on my way home I got stopped by a train. Nothing too unusual-this happens all the time on the way to my house from town. Except usually, the trains last two or three minutes, max. Then the train moves on, and my crazy life resumes. Normally I appreciate these little "breaks." I can listen to some music, sit still for a second without thinking about driving, and just breathe. But tonight, I wasn't such a fan. I just wanted to get home, crawl in my bed, and escape. Don't worry...God had other plans. You see, when you have a few moments of silence between you and the maker of the universe, it's kind of impossible to avoid Him. God always seems to be able to break that silence without saying anything! So after ten minutes of this awkward silence, I got mad. I'd been having such a great couple of weeks with my faith-why did it have to go like this? Why must I always do it on my own?! Another ten minutes of anger went by before I decided I was going to try to fix it. "Fine God, I'll do night prayer. It won't be heartfelt, but at least it will be something." And, as you would imagine, night prayer ensued-in my truck at a train stop. You betcha, I'm Catholic. This took about....ten minutes. So this train stayed stopped for THIRTY minutes! He had put an extension on the 2-3 minute train wait so that I would finally give up and talk to Him. Greatest part was, as soon as I said "Amen," the train began to move again :)
The rest of my short drive home, I was blessed with songs on the radio from Switchfoot, Matthew West, and Tenth Avenue North-three of my favorite artists ever! So....win, win :) I took the long way home, praising Him, and thanking Him for cracking my stubborn shell.
People, don't try to avoid God. There's no point-he already knows everything anyways. But if you're human and do decide to be stubborn occasionally...just be prepared for a smack in the face with a train :)
Choo choo, Father..........choo choo!
What?! No, I'm not crazy (well, technically, anyways ;)), and I don't mean that God gave me a train with a bow on it wrapped up on my front doorstep, or that it suddenly rained down trains in Ark City, America. What I mean is that my Creator,once again, gave me exactly what I needed, when I needed it.
It's been a crazy week! Amazing, not so hot, and everything in between. Today was especially crazy in my conversation with God department. Nothing special really happened, it was just one of those days. My family isn't the most supportive of faith-not just mine, but any kind really-and I've been getting very annoyed with little comments and the way we live our lives. They can't see what I see, and instead of striving for more, they settle for living selfishly like most of us do....but thats a whole other ramble ;) For now, back to the train:
Tonight I was feeling...empty, I guess. Because of the whole family thing, and because I haven't had the best of luck with my friends lately, I hadn't really talked to God. I did the prayers I have been doing daily as a sacrifice for the upcoming TEC retreat-but not with any kind of heart. Believe me, they were just words. I did them first thing this morning so I could get them over with too. Basically, I was trying to hide from the one who knows everything. Dumb, right? And I decided that I didn't really need to talk to Him-I could handle my spiritual life just like I'd always done-on my own. That dang human thing....:)
So on my way home I got stopped by a train. Nothing too unusual-this happens all the time on the way to my house from town. Except usually, the trains last two or three minutes, max. Then the train moves on, and my crazy life resumes. Normally I appreciate these little "breaks." I can listen to some music, sit still for a second without thinking about driving, and just breathe. But tonight, I wasn't such a fan. I just wanted to get home, crawl in my bed, and escape. Don't worry...God had other plans. You see, when you have a few moments of silence between you and the maker of the universe, it's kind of impossible to avoid Him. God always seems to be able to break that silence without saying anything! So after ten minutes of this awkward silence, I got mad. I'd been having such a great couple of weeks with my faith-why did it have to go like this? Why must I always do it on my own?! Another ten minutes of anger went by before I decided I was going to try to fix it. "Fine God, I'll do night prayer. It won't be heartfelt, but at least it will be something." And, as you would imagine, night prayer ensued-in my truck at a train stop. You betcha, I'm Catholic. This took about....ten minutes. So this train stayed stopped for THIRTY minutes! He had put an extension on the 2-3 minute train wait so that I would finally give up and talk to Him. Greatest part was, as soon as I said "Amen," the train began to move again :)
The rest of my short drive home, I was blessed with songs on the radio from Switchfoot, Matthew West, and Tenth Avenue North-three of my favorite artists ever! So....win, win :) I took the long way home, praising Him, and thanking Him for cracking my stubborn shell.
People, don't try to avoid God. There's no point-he already knows everything anyways. But if you're human and do decide to be stubborn occasionally...just be prepared for a smack in the face with a train :)
Choo choo, Father..........choo choo!
Striving for Peace
May today there be peace within you.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing that you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
~St. Therese of Lisieux
This is one of my all-time favorite quotes-and coming from me, the quote nerd-that means a lot! It makes peace seem so...simple. If it's there for each and every one of us, why in the world do we strive so long and hard for it in our lives?
You know those times when you're really, really sleep deprived, but you feel sooooo awake because you just keep doing things that are keeping you busy? You don't realize how tired you actually are until you sit down and begin to rest-then you usually crash, right? Well, that's kind of what striving for peace feels like to me. There are some days when I'm so set on being productive and getting things done that I forget to remember what I already accomplished. I feel like I'm doing nothing until I make myself sit still and reflect back on all I've been doing. We strive so long and hard for peace in our lives, and we just make it that much more difficult to actually attain.
You are a child of God. Our Father, the Creator of the universe, WILL take care of you-in more beautifully complex ways than you could ever imagine.
Still your soul, and strive for peace in that concept!
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