"If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?" ~Matt 6:30~
Hello friend. God is awesome. He will take care of you.
Sometimes, I feel like we all need that reminder. He WILL take care of us: whether that's in a beautiful sunrise, a good conversation with a friend, an easy quiz in that hard class, or the smile on the face of someone who hasn't smiled in a while. God provides.....always.
God provides for us even when it doesn't feel like it. When things are dark and scary, He is there holding us close, carrying us to beauty. When we really don't care anymore, or stubbornly try to provide all we have for ourselves-God provides. We are irreplaceable in the eyes of our Creator, and have been made with purpose; a purpose that (you guessed it!) God provides. He sent His only Son down to this earth to endure suffering and death in order to provide forgiveness for our sins.
Today in my floral design class we made floral "cupcakes," which consisted of a cute little homemade foam flower pot and some fresh flowers on top as the "icing." I decided to give mine to a friend who's been having some trouble. I was looking for a relevent verse to put with the flowers when I gave them to her, and this is what I found (thank you, google search box). Which encouraged me to open my bible, which brought about some good thoughts......that book really does have all the answers ;)
But really, think about it: He provides the grass and fields of the earth with the fresh, beautiful, breathtaking flowers of all shapes and sizes. He provides them with water, sunlight, and the proper nutrients to grow. He allows their beauty to shower upon the dull grass and the brown dust. Imagine what He provides for us. Just like the flower needs things that can't be seen, so do we. God provides. He nurtures our hearts and our minds with daily battles and victories. He nurtures our body with food grown by our brothers and sisters. He nurtures our soul with His own flesh and blood, given freely for us. What more could we ask for? We see reminders of His love everywhere, if we only keep our eyes open. We were created in His image, and He would provide us with nothing less than His marvelous plan. We don't deserve to be provided for, nor will we ever. Yet He provides anyway.....always.
God is awesome. He will take care of you.