Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Are NOT Okay

I just got back from some wonderful adoration time, for the third day in a row. AWESOME. I don't get the opportunity very often, and even when it's presented, I usually don't take advantage of this beautiful sacrament like I should. But this weekend was a rough one for me. Sunday was a day full of internal battles from the get-go; and as much as I tried to just keep going through the motions, that wasn't going to work this time. Once again, my soul got exactly what it needed. It's like He knows me or something.....
I love adoration. I also love saying that, because it's a new thing for me. In fact, I'll say it again: I LOVE adoration. Like, seriously....we are so blessed. Every minute of every day, Christ is being adored by our brothers and sisters all over the world. We are united in one body, each of us with a different purpose. AWESOME.
This weekend, when I began to see how not okay I really was, I just really really wanted to go to adoration. I thank God for giving me the grace to see I needed Him; because a few months ago, I probably just would have exploded on someone or shut down on God completely for a while.But something about being close to his wonderful sacrifice and letting Him hold me for a while just sounds more appealing these days. It's a pretty effective method of healing hearts, as well ;)
We are NOT okay.Yet, for some reason, we try ridiculously hard to convince ourselves otherwise. Some of us may be struggling more than others, but none of us are really all that hunky-dory. This being human thing really does stink sometimes. But the sooner we see that we aren't alright, the sooner we can start accepting God's healing. Our hearts may be scarred deeply from the past, or just a little sore from the name we got called early today. It doesn't matter how serious the wound is-He cares about them all. We are beautifully broken.
May you find peace in the open arms of Christ, and seek refuge in Him always. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful reflection...In order to be healed by the Divine Physician, we must recognize our illness and rush to His open Arms!
