"Lord, guard my heart."
For the month or so before this, I felt like I was constantly losing it over the smallest, everyday things. If someone looked at me wrong, if my list wasn't quite accomplished at the end of the day,or if I fell short of perfect in any way, shape, or form, I was done. I usually consider myself a pretty rational person, but I was falling apart at everything. If this had gone on for one more day, I probably would have had a complete meltdown. But-as always-He took care of me in just the knick of time. I'm not really sure when the Spirit planted this handy dandy little prayer into my mind, but it sure is useful beyond words :) It seems like I was being especially sensitive to what people say around me, and to the obvious hurting of others. But I was being completely and totally oblivious to the voice of Christ calling out all around me. People needed me, and I was so worried about the insignificant little things in my own life that I was ignoring that need.
The voices we hear surrounding us aren't what they sound like. They sound like complaints, they sound like disrespect, and they sound like all-around hopelessness. But what they really are is a cry for help. Our neighbors are calling out for an open ear, honest advice, or someone to be there as a true friend. They need someone to show them the beauty of faith, the never-ending hope, and the unfailing love of Christ. That someone is YOU.
We must guard our hearts against the things of this world.Instead of getting discouraged by the dirty jokes, gossip, and technology that's always bombarding us, we need to pray for purity of mind, understanding, and peace for our neighbors. We've got to stop simply hearing others, and start listening. What those around us are saying is nothing compared to what Christ is saying through them. It's a call to love beyond anything we can imagine,
May you continue to guard your hearts this Advent season, in preparation for something better.
"I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world." ~John 16:33
AH! Love this!!!!